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SCOM 2012 Linux Monitoring (Lab) – Part 3.5 Agent Deployment
While publishing part 3 I run into a problem which I would like to share. Two command which you might need… To get the LINUX agents version type: rpm -q scx To uninstall a LINUX agent type (logon as root): rpm -e scx So while I tried to deploy a LINUX agent I received the […]
Azure Stack – Deploy Azure Stack on Azure VM
At Ignite 2018 a couple of weeks ago, I got the feeling that Microsoft is getting really serious about their hybrid cloud strategy. It may sound strange or weird, because Microsoft always used the terms hybrid cloud and announced tailored products. But in the past years, I wasn’t really sure that Microsoft will hear the […]
Azure Log Analytics – Testing JOINs Part 1
Azure Log Analytics offers you a powerful language to analyze your data. I am not a SQL query specialist but as far I can tell there are many similarities between SQL language and (New) Azure Log Analytics query language. One cool thing we can do is using joins. If you look up what a join […]