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SCOM – Role Permission For Scheduled Reports
Depending on the SCOM role you are using you might need to give the user the ability to see and run scheduled reports. For example you add the user into the SCOM Operator role in addition you create Report Operator role and you assign this Report Operator role permission for Reporting Services. Marnix Wolf has […]
OMS – Intelligence Packs Cheat Sheet
Operations Management Suite (OMS) is one of the (probably) hottest technologies Microsoft is currently working on. If you want to bet on a horse, which will win the crazy technology race now and in the future, OMS will be a save choice. Because of that I highly recommend start using and learning OMS today. There […]
SMA – Migrating SMA Runbooks (SMART Toolkit) Annoying Confirmation
To migrate SMA runbooks from one environment to another you probably want to use SMA Runbook Toolkit to export and import the runbooks and assets, you can find the download here. This toolkit is a collection of PowerShell scripts which are few years old but still work perfectly with SMA 2016. After you downloaded the […]