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SCOM 2012 R2 – What’s New Overview
SCOM 2012 R2 preview has been released and Microsoft has made some major investments technologies like Java APM (application monitoring for Java), Virtual Machine Manager integration, Azure monitoring and System Center Advisor. Overview:
SCOM 2012 – Install SCOM PowerShell Modules Without SCOM Console Installation
Yes we all know less is sometimes more. This saying does not only belong to the human bodyweight, nope, since the Windows Server Core area we all know less “*.dll” is better. Like this saying, a few days ago I had been asked an interesting question. How can we use the SCOM PowerShell module without […]
SCOM 2012 – NetApp MP 3.1 Error 1923 (VIM_Service)
If you are going to setup the NetApp OnCommand Plug-in 3.1 as I posted here there is a chance that you run into an “Error 1923Service OnCommand Virtual Infrastructure Management Service (VIM_Service) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.”