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Quick Post – Create a file of any size quickly
Today I had to prepare some labs for a workshop and there I needed some test files of different sizes. It is sometimes a time consuming process of getting the entire preparation done. But if you know how to create stuff quickly on the command prompt without copying and downloading you are going to be […]
Quick Post – Get Cmdlet Related DLL
In some situation you are running a cmdlet, but you have no idea where it is stored. I mean you don’t know to which “*.dll” it belongs to or maybe you want to know some more details about the command. A very easy way to figure this out for the Get-AzureRmResource cmdlet… (Get-Command Get-AzureRmResource).DLL …as […]
Power BI – AAD Activity Logs App: The credentials provided for the AADData source are invalid
Power BI used to have Content Packs which were a way to package up your dashboards, reports, Excel workbooks and datasets for Power BI. Microsoft changed it now to so called Apps, probably to be consistent with their Azure terms. There is an interesting App for Azure Active Directory to analyze the Activity Logs. If […]