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User Group – IT Pro Switzerland Experts Live Cafe
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Azure Automation – Twitter + IFTTT + Webhook = Start Runbook
I assume you know Twitter and you probably also know what a webhook is, right? No? Ok, a webhook is just a HTTP POST. In Azure Automation we are able to create a webhook for a runbook. This runbook will “consume” the webhook request (URL) + post data and start the runbook. The cool thing […]
itnetx – Winner of the “Microsoft Partner of the Year Award 2013”
Yes it is unbelievable but we did it again. Yesterday itnetx received from Microsoft Switzerland the “Partner of the Year 2013 –Datacenter” award – the third time in a row :). This award shows also the passion and dedication of itnetx for delivering the best possible solution for its customers. And now let’s get ready […]