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SCOM 2012 – Performance View “Rotate Chart” Selected, How To Get Back
If you are in the SCOM console and you choose a performance view, you are able to select “Rotate Chart”…. …this will give you a kind of 3D view of your chart. Well, yes it does something, and you can do something with it, but in my opinion it is useless. Because you can move […]
System Center – RSS Feeds Collection
It doesn’t matter If you are new to the System Center stack or if you have been working many years in the System Center field, we all share the same problem. How are we keeping up with this massive amount of information dropping in every single day? There are so many excellent sources out there […]
SCOM 2012 – Console Error Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.Console.exe
There are different ways to install the SCOM console. One way is to install it calling the regular SCOM 2012 setup wizard and choosing the SCOM console option. The other way is executing directly the OMCONSOLE.msi package. The difference is, if you call the regular SCOM setup wizard it will check for pre-requisites. If you […]