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SCOM – Database Performance & Configuration Sources
Most customers who are using SCOM need sooner or later tips and resources to check if their SCOM databases are in proper condition and might want to check if there are some performance issues. The Operations Manager team has just published a very useful post for troubleshooting database performance issues. In addition there is a […]
Azure Log Analytics – Get Windows Event Description
There are cases where Microsoft tries to make our live a bit harder than it needs to be. One thing I always struggled with in the old SCOM days and also in the present Azure Log Analytics (ALA) days are Windows event descriptions. I just had a need to get the event description for a […]
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: Discovery Wizard Provide RunAs Account
I just want to start a short series “SCOM 2016 – What’s New Unix/Linux” where I show you what’s new in SCOM 2016 from a UNIX/Linux perspective. We start of with the discovery wizard. In SCOM 2012 R2 when you discovered the UNIX/Linux systems you always had to provide the credentials for deploying the agent. […]