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SCOM 2012 – Event ID 7011 Service Control Manager Error
At a customers SCOM infrastructure I faced a very strange problem. The SCOM infrastructure consists of 2 management servers and 1 SQL server. Only one of the management servers stopped in certain time intervals responding to the agents and encountered the following symptoms: All agent computer which had this management server as primary management server […]
Quick Post – SCOM 2012 Where Does Widget Data Come From?
As you know SCOM 2012 provides new dashboard types (column or grid layout) which can contain widgets. Widgets are small “add-on” which are able to display different kind of SCOM data. For example state data (similar to state views) or performance data (similar to performance views). Here an example… Over on Operations Manager Team blog […]
Do you need a .NET application immediately?
Are you sometimes getting nervous and anxious to try new features? But there is always this step before you can start where you have to fulfill pre-requisites in your lab environment until you can start. I is a pain in the ***…this happened to me. There is this lovely DinnerNow application on codeplex, but have […]