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System Center Universe Europe – SCOM Dashboards New Widgets and Possibilities
Here I would like to share the session recording from System Center Universe Europe 2014 about the new SCOM widgets and what you could do with it. Sadly we had just one hour to talk about but I hope you get a good impression of the almost endless possibilities. For your convenience I am sharing […]
Azure Policy – Export Azure Policy Definitions
If you are moving to Microsoft Azure you immediately have to deal with governance and compliance topics. In Microsoft Azure there is the Cloud Adaption Framework (CAF) which guides you through the journey of moving to Azure. One very important part is cloud governance with all its flavors. One single piece of this governance cake […]
SCOM – Save a Connection String for Use in a PowerShell Script
Sometimes it is necessary to store certain information in a (secure) way, like a connection string, which you might want to use in your PowerShell scripts. The scripts could be then used e.g for the Command Notification Channel. Let’s assume you need to connect to a foreign system and this system provides you with a […]