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SCOM 2012 – VSAE Extend Unix Class For Dynamic Grouping
Some time ago I wrote a post where I extended a Linux class for dynamic grouping using the Visual Studio Authoring Extensions (VSAE). Well, this was just for playing around and testing some stuff. Recently I had a requirement to build views according to Unix teams. There were different Unix / Linux distributions, all kind […]
Azure Portal – Create Refreshing Big Screen Dashboard
One thing that was bugging me for quite some time, how can we make our Azure portal dashboard usable on a big screen? As you might know I have a strong monitoring background and one thing that always comes up is, how to represent the monitoring data on a big screen. The Azure portal provides […]
SCOM 2012 – New Dashboard Community!
It has been a moment since my last post. This happen because, I was first building my new home and now finishing migrating my (real) home / house in a side-by-side migration scenario. Of course I need to reconfigure the new infrastructure but luckily I am not dual homed anymore. At this very moment I […]