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System Center – RSS Feeds Collection
It doesn’t matter If you are new to the System Center stack or if you have been working many years in the System Center field, we all share the same problem. How are we keeping up with this massive amount of information dropping in every single day? There are so many excellent sources out there […]
Azure Functions – Setting Tags on Subscriptions Using C#
It has been a couple of month ago, Microsoft announced that it is possible to set tags on subscriptions. This makes totally sense and was a long awaited feature. Good practice is to use Azure Policy to set tags on resources, but there are cases where it is not possible to use Azure Policy. Well, […]
SCOM 2012 R2 Java APM – Configure JEE Application Monitoring (Part 2)
In part 1 we have installed a Linux and Tomcat 6 application server. A must requirement to install and run Java Application Performance Monitoring (Java APM) is, that your application server is deeply monitored using Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) management pack for Tomcat 6. Some time ago I did write a blog post how to […]