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SCOM 2012 R2 – System Center Advisor Overview
A few month ago Microsoft released a preview version of System Center Advisor for SCOM 2012 SP1. This service was announced at MMS 2013 and gave you some idea what there might be coming. In that SCOM 2012 SP1 preview version you needed to download and configure separate components which was not as handy as […]
MPViewer, OverrideExplorer, Proxy Settings – Tools Ready for SCOM 2012
Mostly I try to post my own content, but sometimes we have to blog about great things… Boris Yanushpolsky has re-compiled his tools for SCOM 2012. Great! Here the blog post from Daniele Muscetta. Tool: MPViewer 1.9The previous version 1.7 (that works with OpsMgr 2007 and 2007 R2) was released here. Version 1.9 has been […]
PowerShell – Create a Credential Object with NULL Password
In one of my automation tasks I had the need to create a credential object with a $null password – an empty / NULL password. One easy way to do is, create just instantiate a new secure string object using the new() constructor from the .Net class like this: or using New-Object cmdlet like this […]