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SCOM 2012 – Installing Pre-requisites for Web Console
Sometimes it takes time to install pre-requisites especially for the SCOM web console. There you need IIS, .NET Framework 3.5.1 and tons of IIS modules. There is a way to simplify. Use Powershell . To get an overview what has been installed type: Get-WindowsFeature If you want to see what IIS options has been installed, […]
PowerShell 4.0 – Checking SCOM Required Ports
If you are going to install SCOM there are requirements which you have to be aware of. Microsoft has a great article on TechNet which describes precisely what the requirement and supported configuration is for your SCOM setup. Depending on the size of your (distributed) SCOM infrastructure, you might have to install several management servers, […]
SCOM 2012 – Import Multiple Management Packs (Import-SCOMManagementPack)
There are maybe certain situation where you need to import multiple management packs using the “Import-SCOMManagementPack” command. How do you accomplish that? It is easy! Because the command is taking care of the dependencies we just have to provide ALL of the needed management packs in an array. In my example I want to import […]