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SCOM 2012 – Discovery Wizard running forever again
In this post here on possible cause why the discovery wizard could run forever. Last week I faced a situation where the discovery wizard for deploying Linux agents and for deploying windows agents didn’t work. The setup topology was 2 management servers SCOM 2012 and one dedicated SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 for the SCOM databases.
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: Discovery Wizard Provide RunAs Account
I just want to start a short series “SCOM 2016 – What’s New Unix/Linux” where I show you what’s new in SCOM 2016 from a UNIX/Linux perspective. We start of with the discovery wizard. In SCOM 2012 R2 when you discovered the UNIX/Linux systems you always had to provide the credentials for deploying the agent. […]