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5 Trends impacting cloud technologies adoption
There are a host of trends impacting the cloud market at the moment, and understanding them will give you a better idea not only about industry growth and spending going forwards, but also about how it is necessary to remove the barriers that are still preventing some organizations from adopting. [Image Source: Pixabay] Performance optimization […]
SCOM 2012 – Event ID 7011 Service Control Manager Error
At a customers SCOM infrastructure I faced a very strange problem. The SCOM infrastructure consists of 2 management servers and 1 SQL server. Only one of the management servers stopped in certain time intervals responding to the agents and encountered the following symptoms: All agent computer which had this management server as primary management server […]
Quick Post – New Theme @
Nope, your screen is not damaged I just updated the theme on my blog. It looks a bit more cleaned up and friendly. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions just post a comment. Cheers, Stefan