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SCOM – Exchange 2010 MP “extest_” User (?)
Have you ever installed the Exchange 2010 management pack? If you follow the management pack guide there will be a section where you can enable the synthetic transaction tests for the Exchange. Those synthetic transactions will perform several tests on your Exchange infrastructure and warn you if there is a problem with your mail flow. […]
Do you need a .NET application immediately?
Are you sometimes getting nervous and anxious to try new features? But there is always this step before you can start where you have to fulfill pre-requisites in your lab environment until you can start. I is a pain in the ***…this happened to me. There is this lovely DinnerNow application on codeplex, but have […]
SCOM 2012 – Install SCOM PowerShell Modules Without SCOM Console Installation
Yes we all know less is sometimes more. This saying does not only belong to the human bodyweight, nope, since the Windows Server Core area we all know less “*.dll” is better. Like this saying, a few days ago I had been asked an interesting question. How can we use the SCOM PowerShell module without […]