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Quick Post – Create a file of any size quickly
Today I had to prepare some labs for a workshop and there I needed some test files of different sizes. It is sometimes a time consuming process of getting the entire preparation done. But if you know how to create stuff quickly on the command prompt without copying and downloading you are going to be […]
MS Flow – Trigger Azure Automation Webhook
In one of my previous post I showed you how you could trigger a webhook to trigger an Azure Automation runbook using IFTTT (If This Than That) . Well, the great news are that Microsoft is investing a great deal of money into a similar technology called Microsoft Flow. For a short summary and differences […]
SCOM 2012 R2 – System Center Advisor Overview
A few month ago Microsoft released a preview version of System Center Advisor for SCOM 2012 SP1. This service was announced at MMS 2013 and gave you some idea what there might be coming. In that SCOM 2012 SP1 preview version you needed to download and configure separate components which was not as handy as […]