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SCOM 2012 R2 – System Center Advisor Error: 3000 Unable to register…
Today I had been playing around with System Center Advisor and I bumped into an issue where I could not connect to the System Center Advisor service. The error was… Error 3000: Unable to register to Advisor Service. Please contact the system administrator.
SCOM 2012 – Find Workflow From Windows Event
When you are deploying SCOM agents to many servers from a test or prod environment, it could happen that a server administrator steps up to you and tells you that he has many strange event log entries which are probably from SCOM. Like in this example here…
ARM – Connect Activity Logs From Multiple Subscriptions As Log Analytics Workspace Data Source
Recently I had a requirement to automatically configure Activity Logs from multiple subscriptions to send their logs to a Log Analytics workspace. I am talking about this setting here… There are many ways how to achieve this goal. If you are into PowerShell you could use this cmdlet New-AzureRMOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource (I like the name ), this […]