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SMA – ISE Add-On Editing Runbooks
A couple of month ago Microsoft released the latest (updated) version of PowerShell 5.0 . Why is this worth writing about? Well, with every new release there are some fantastic goodies included, you just need to discover them :). One of these goodies is (my) long awaited runbook editing capability for ISE. In this post […]
PowerShell – SCCM Cmdlet Library “Get-CMDeviceCollection : Specified cast is not valid.”
UPDATE: This issue has been resolved in the latest version here While doing some SCCM automation we bumped into an issue with the SCCM Cmdlet Library 5.0.8249.1128. When you try to execute a workflow using PowerShell Remoting in SMA like this… After some investigation we could not determine the cause of it, so the […]
Jalasoft – Xian SNMP Device Simulator V5
At some point in your SCOM career you need to have quick access to a network device because you either need to show the SCOM network monitoring capabilities, develop a SNMP management pack or you might need to build some custom SNMP monitors or rules. I think it is always a pain to carry a […]