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The next step in our Azure Stack Development Kit journey is to join Azure. In order to download marketplace items from Azure and to set up commerce data reporting back to Microsoft, we will need to register Azure Stack in Azure. This is required to support full Azure Stack functionality, including marketplace syndication. If you […]
Azure Log Analytics – Cross Workspace Query Resolve Workspace ID
At Ignite 2017 Microsoft introduced a new functionality in Azure Log Analytics (ALA) to write queries across workspaces. This has been a long awaited feature for many customers. Why? Let’s imagine you want to provide IT services for customers and you would like to keep data separated for each customer in its own workspace. At […]
SCOM – How Data is Encrypted
Recently I got a question from a customer how SCOM traffic is encrypted. Well, I knew that the traffic IS encrypted, but how the encryption works, that is a different story. First we need to know, about what traffic we are talking about. Is it the communication between agents , respectively healthservices? Is it the […]