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SCOM 2012 – Recovery Task Script for Restarting a Windows Service and Depending Services
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OMS – HTTP Data Collector API 403 (Forbidden)
Few weeks ago Microsoft released the Azure Log Analytics HTTP Data Collector API, which allows you to shoot JSON data into OMS Log Analytics. This is awesome news, because now anything is possible. This means, you are able to use (m)any script languages to send any data to OMS for further analytics and you are […]
Azure Stack – Deploy Latest Azure Stack Development Kit 1.1809.0.90 on Azure VM
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog post how to install Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK) 1.1018.0.97 on an Azure VM. If we want to test the latest release of Azure Stack (DK) we need to redeploy the entire VM, because there is no supported update nor upgrade process for the ASDK. So […]