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OMS – Where Can I Find the Sealed OMS MPs / Intelligence Packs?
Sometimes you need to have the sealed version of management packs / intelligence packs which get’s downloaded from OMS. You might need them as reference in your custom management pack solutions or maybe just to explore it. You can find the management packs in your C:\Windows\Temp folder on your SCOM server. As you can see […]
SCOM 2012 – Monitor SMA Runbook Instance (VSAE Sample MP)
When you are starting to automate processes in your company you soon will find out, that not all runbooks will run for a short time. There are also cases where you need a runbook, which is using a loop to monitor certain things or trigger other runbooks. In other words, there are cases where you […]
SCOM – Save a Connection String for Use in a PowerShell Script
Sometimes it is necessary to store certain information in a (secure) way, like a connection string, which you might want to use in your PowerShell scripts. The scripts could be then used e.g for the Command Notification Channel. Let’s assume you need to connect to a foreign system and this system provides you with a […]