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SCOM – How Data is Encrypted
Recently I got a question from a customer how SCOM traffic is encrypted. Well, I knew that the traffic IS encrypted, but how the encryption works, that is a different story. First we need to know, about what traffic we are talking about. Is it the communication between agents , respectively healthservices? Is it the […]
SCOM VSAE – Custom Dynamic Computer Groups Based On Server Registry Keys
As soon you are implementing SCOM, you are faced with grouping your servers. Either you use the groups for views, overrides or just in subscriptions. Which ever might be your reason to group your windows computers, you will need to group your windows computer objects dynamically. One option which I recommend is grouping the objects […]
Azure Automation – ISE Add-On Editing Runbooks
Well it has been a while since last post, because there is a lot going on in my private life as also in my job. But now some “tasks” are completed and I will have more time for community work again. Microsoft product machinery is running at high speed in all areas. One tool I […]