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SCOM 2012 – Distribut Agents Evenly (50:50)
I am sure you have a small SCOM infrastructure containing 2 management servers and probably 1 SQL server. If you and your colleagues deploy SCOM agents on a daily basis it can easily happen that not all management servers receive the equal amount of agents. Maybe management server 1 has 300 agents to monitor and […]
SCOM 2012 – MAS Tool V 1.0
I had a requirement to have some sort of tool to easily enable and disable subscriptions and also close alerts in one shot. Of course my first thought was to use PowerShell, but soon I figured out that there is a lack of functionality. If you try to disable and enable a subscription you will […]
SCOM 2012 – Using Alert Custom Fields
In today’s world of monitoring it is not always easy for people from the service desk or even for administrators to identify from which system is this alert being sent, who is responsible for the system and maybe in a multitenant environment to which company belongs this system/alert. In my case a company which is hosting […]