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SCOM 2012 – Linux Two-State Monitor with “Script in Script”
If you are a Windows guy and you haven’t touched Linux so far implementing SCOM will force you to get hands on *nix systems. Here I would like to provide a cool, little way how to overcome a limitation of the Unix/Linux Shell Command Two (or Three) State Monitor. This two state monitor allows you […]
SCOM 2012 Maintenance Mode Script – Computer maintenance mode depending on SCCM 2012 collection membership
Maintenance mode is always something you are facing during System Center setups. Let’s say you have a SCCM administrator who want’s to deploy it’s Windows updates on a certain day e.g. Tuesday @ 08.00 p.m. o’clock, and he also decides to reboot each server forcefully after successful deployment. Because we (SCOM administrators) have to find […]
SCOM 2012 – Getting SCOM SNMP Device Properties in PowerShell
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