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Quick Post – PowerShell Blog
This blog has been up and running for a couple of years now. I mainly blog about System Center and OMS. During my daily work, I am using PowerShell a lot and sometimes I am able to figure out some cool stuff or would like to share some challenges I faced. In my opinion is […]
SCOM 2012 – SCOM Console Parameters How-To
Did you know that the SCOM console has also parameters you can add? Well it is nothing new because they were also available in SCOM 2007 R2 but I think it is also worth a post to show how it works and how to get the necessary information. In SCOM 2012 the executable which is […]
SCOM 2016 – Network Monitoring MP Generator Tool
In one of my previous posts, I covered SCOM 2016 TP5 – What’s New and one of the topics mentioned was, that Microsoft will provide a tool to generate SNMP management packs. A what? Ok, let me explain. You are able to monitor network devices via SNMP. Well this is no magic and pretty common […]