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SCOM 2012 SP1 – Configure Web Console HTTPS “500 – Internal server error”
Yesterday, I bumped into an issue while configuring https for the SCOM web console. As this is a IIS hosted website there is no magic configuring it. Well, I was taught something else. The SCOM environment was running on Windows Server 2012 and the SCOM 2012 SP1 had UR1 installed. Everything was running fine and […]
PowerShell 4.0 – Checking SCOM Required Ports
If you are going to install SCOM there are requirements which you have to be aware of. Microsoft has a great article on TechNet which describes precisely what the requirement and supported configuration is for your SCOM setup. Depending on the size of your (distributed) SCOM infrastructure, you might have to install several management servers, […]
SCOM VSAE – Custom Dynamic Computer Groups Based On Server Registry Keys
As soon you are implementing SCOM, you are faced with grouping your servers. Either you use the groups for views, overrides or just in subscriptions. Which ever might be your reason to group your windows computers, you will need to group your windows computer objects dynamically. One option which I recommend is grouping the objects […]