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SCOM 2012 – Find Workflow From Windows Event
When you are deploying SCOM agents to many servers from a test or prod environment, it could happen that a server administrator steps up to you and tells you that he has many strange event log entries which are probably from SCOM. Like in this example here…
SCOM 2012 Maintenance Mode Script – Computer maintenance mode depending on SCCM 2012 collection membership
Maintenance mode is always something you are facing during System Center setups. Let’s say you have a SCCM administrator who want’s to deploy it’s Windows updates on a certain day e.g. Tuesday @ 08.00 p.m. o’clock, and he also decides to reboot each server forcefully after successful deployment. Because we (SCOM administrators) have to find […]
Azure Policy – Export Azure Policy Definitions
If you are moving to Microsoft Azure you immediately have to deal with governance and compliance topics. In Microsoft Azure there is the Cloud Adaption Framework (CAF) which guides you through the journey of moving to Azure. One very important part is cloud governance with all its flavors. One single piece of this governance cake […]