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Quick Post – Documenting Setups & Installations Smartly
I am a big fan of smart solutions and approaches. Today I had one of these moments which I really liked. I was going to update a SCOM 2012 environment to SCOM 2012 SP1. Because the customer only had Thin Clients, which basically only provide an RDP client, it was somewhat limited with tools available. […]
SCOM – Editing SPN Quickly
If you are dealing with SCOM, you know that there is a lot to install and configure before it runs smoothly. One step during the installation process, is to configure the SPN (Service Principal Names) in Active Directory. In fact you need to set SPNs per SCOM management server and if you are hosting the […]
Summary of Permission needed – Security in SCOM
Kevin Holman has postet a valuable summary of permissions needed in SCOM. It is about accounts needed and customizing the SCOM console! Great article! You will find it here.