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SCOM VSAE – Custom Dynamic Computer Groups Based On Server Registry Keys
As soon you are implementing SCOM, you are faced with grouping your servers. Either you use the groups for views, overrides or just in subscriptions. Which ever might be your reason to group your windows computers, you will need to group your windows computer objects dynamically. One option which I recommend is grouping the objects […]
SMA – Error “Root element is missing”
While I was building SMA runbooks in the past couple of months I bumped into this rather strange error. So happen few days ago, I tried to call (invoke) a child runbook, from a parent runbook function. SMA returned an error “Root element is missing” I simplified the structure so it looks like this… Function […]
SCOM 2012 – VSAE Extend Unix Class For Dynamic Grouping
Some time ago I wrote a post where I extended a Linux class for dynamic grouping using the Visual Studio Authoring Extensions (VSAE). Well, this was just for playing around and testing some stuff. Recently I had a requirement to build views according to Unix teams. There were different Unix / Linux distributions, all kind […]