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SCOM 2012 – Try Linux Nagios Plugins e.g. File Age Check
You might remember MacGyver – a guy who could build a NASA rocket out of some explosives, matches and a steel tube. He was my hero back then but today you could also be a MacGyver by just using the tools you have and just plug it the right way together. That means MacGyver used […]
OMS – Error “Run Login-AzureRMAccount to Login” e.g. OMS Cmdlets
I wanted to play with the OMS cmdlets which are part of the AzureRM modules. The OMS / OperationsInsights module itself is called AzureRM.OperationsalInsights. A good place to start with OMS native PowerShell cmdlets is a blog post on the Building Clouds blog. So what is the exact issue? Well, I tried to query my […]
SCOM 2012 Linux Monitoring (Lab) – Part 3 Agent Deployment
In part 2 we prepared SCOM to get ready for monitoring LINUX. Now we need to deploy the agent. So let’s get started… Here an overview of the steps we need to take: Create monitoring account Modify sudoers file Discovery wizard Redeploy certificate