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SCOM 2012 Visio Diagram in SharePoint 2010 – Errors
In my lab I installed SharePoint 2010 Enterprise. To do that there are several good sources on the internet. But still there are sometimes strange things happen and your Visio just does not appear in SharePoint and you just start fighting several errors. Here I am going to share my experience but remember it is […]
MPViewer, OverrideExplorer, Proxy Settings – Tools Ready for SCOM 2012
Mostly I try to post my own content, but sometimes we have to blog about great things… Boris Yanushpolsky has re-compiled his tools for SCOM 2012. Great! Here the blog post from Daniele Muscetta. Tool: MPViewer 1.9The previous version 1.7 (that works with OpsMgr 2007 and 2007 R2) was released here. Version 1.9 has been […]
SCOM 2012 – Custom AEM Reports
If you followed the community lately, you see some are writing blog posts about reporting in System Center. It is funny as I also have been playing around with Report Builder 3.0 lately and it seems that I am following this trend. Building custom reports is not that difficult if you have some sort of […]