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SCOMfaq – Sponsored by SAVISION
Well they did it again and what a great sponsor I got – SAVISION. Many of you know Savision for those which might not know Savision I will blog soon about their fabulous products. One must know product is LiveMaps it provides dynamic customizable maps to display System Center Operations Manager health information. I am […]
SCOM – Populate Attributes Through PowerShell
This time I would like to show a cool idea about modifying class instance properties. In SCOM we usually use registry or WMI discoveries to populate attributes. These attributes are used for dynamic groups or maybe just to append some more information to the class instance. Imagine you are using a registry discovery for populating […]
OMS – Azure Scheduler Solution
UPDATE 07.08.2017 21:51: I found a bug in the ARM template which made the dashboard not appearing. I fixed it just now, in case you deployed the solution, just redeploy it. Sorry for that hassle. Currently I am doing some more OMS stuff and therefore I also took a deeper dive at building ARM templates […]