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SCOM 2012 – Update Rollup CU1
About 1 month after RTM SCOM 2012 receives its first update package. There is a detailed update description and a list with fixed issues. Also the update process is far more easier than we are used to good old times. You can find the KB article here and download here.
OMS – Azure Scheduler Solution
UPDATE 07.08.2017 21:51: I found a bug in the ARM template which made the dashboard not appearing. I fixed it just now, in case you deployed the solution, just redeploy it. Sorry for that hassle. Currently I am doing some more OMS stuff and therefore I also took a deeper dive at building ARM templates […]
Quick Post – PowerShell Blog
This blog has been up and running for a couple of years now. I mainly blog about System Center and OMS. During my daily work, I am using PowerShell a lot and sometimes I am able to figure out some cool stuff or would like to share some challenges I faced. In my opinion is […]