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SCOM – Exchange 2010 MP “extest_” User (?)
Have you ever installed the Exchange 2010 management pack? If you follow the management pack guide there will be a section where you can enable the synthetic transaction tests for the Exchange. Those synthetic transactions will perform several tests on your Exchange infrastructure and warn you if there is a problem with your mail flow. […]
SCOM 2012 SP1 – Configure Web Console HTTPS “500 – Internal server error”
Yesterday, I bumped into an issue while configuring https for the SCOM web console. As this is a IIS hosted website there is no magic configuring it. Well, I was taught something else. The SCOM environment was running on Windows Server 2012 and the SCOM 2012 SP1 had UR1 installed. Everything was running fine and […]
SCOM 2012 – Event ID 31557 Health Service Modules
Strange things happen all the time but sometimes nobody can explain them why they happen. A relatively new SCOM 2012 installation was functioning well until a certain moment. I would like to blog about this behavior it might help somebody to get the same or similar problem solved. As I mentioned before this new and […]