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SCOM 2012 – SCOM Console Parameters How-To
Did you know that the SCOM console has also parameters you can add? Well it is nothing new because they were also available in SCOM 2007 R2 but I think it is also worth a post to show how it works and how to get the necessary information. In SCOM 2012 the executable which is […]
SCOM / SCSM – Retrieve Decrypted RunAs Account Credentials
I am not sure if you have seen it, but Richard Warren from nccgroup has figured out, how to decrypt the RunAs account credentials in SCOM. The problem up to now was, that there was no official way to retrieve the encrypted credentials from SCOM. There is just one DLL to use, which offers the […]
SCOM 2012 – Visio and SharePoint extensions
The Operations Manager team released the Visio and SharePoint extensions for System Center Operations Manager 2012 which can be used to visualize the state of system in a dynamic diagram. These diagrams can be displayed either in Visio or SharePoint. I will test them soon… These extensions can be found here.