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Azure Functions – Setting Tags on Subscriptions Using C#
It has been a couple of month ago, Microsoft announced that it is possible to set tags on subscriptions. This makes totally sense and was a long awaited feature. Good practice is to use Azure Policy to set tags on resources, but there are cases where it is not possible to use Azure Policy. Well, […]
SCORCH 2012 – SCOJob Runner Error “The requested operations requires Publish permissions on the Runbook”
There is a very cool and useful tool to trigger Runbooks from a command line. It is called SCOJobRunner and you can download it here. The tool uses the Orchestrator web service to interact with Runbooks. Well I had been playing around with it and then I hit the following error when I tried to start a […]
Cloud and Datacenter Management User Group Switzerland
Finally we are proud to officially launch the Cloud and Datacenter Management User Group. The user group is focused on Microsoft Cloud and Datacenter technologies based on Windows Server, System Center, Hyper-V and Windows Azure. Our goal is to get people together with the same interests and learn from each other. In today’s world it […]