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Microsoft MVP Award 2016
Wow, today is a very exciting and special day as I received a mail from Microsoft letting me know that I got renewed for the MVP award. This is probably one of the most exciting moments in in every IT Pro’s life, when he gets this award. I am an extremely proud member of a […]
Azure Automation – ISE Add-On Editing Runbooks
Well it has been a while since last post, because there is a lot going on in my private life as also in my job. But now some “tasks” are completed and I will have more time for community work again. Microsoft product machinery is running at high speed in all areas. One tool I […]
SCOM 2012 – Export Grey Agents using Powershell
There was a request in the TechNet forum to get all grey agents in SCOM 2012 using Powershell and export the Displayname and HealthState into a file. Because I haven’t seen a solution I thought I will share these few lines of code maybe you can use them also. #Import the OperationsManager module Import-Module OperationsManager […]