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SCOM 2012 – Event ID 7011 Service Control Manager Error
At a customers SCOM infrastructure I faced a very strange problem. The SCOM infrastructure consists of 2 management servers and 1 SQL server. Only one of the management servers stopped in certain time intervals responding to the agents and encountered the following symptoms: All agent computer which had this management server as primary management server […]
SCOM 2012 – Linux Two-State Monitor with “Script in Script”
If you are a Windows guy and you haven’t touched Linux so far implementing SCOM will force you to get hands on *nix systems. Here I would like to provide a cool, little way how to overcome a limitation of the Unix/Linux Shell Command Two (or Three) State Monitor. This two state monitor allows you […]
Azure Dashboard – Edit Log Analytics Tiles
Sometimes there are small changes that can make you happy. In the field of monitoring you always get questions about dashboarding and presenting the monitoring data. Although the Azure portal dashboard has still some missing features like full screen and refresh interval feature. In terms of tiles it got some additional improvements. I am very […]