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User Group – IT Pro Switzerland Experts Live Cafe
I had been very busy recently organizing a new user group event. It isn’t just a user group, it is a part of the Experts Live network. What is “Experts Live Café”? The idea of Experts Live Café is, to get community members together and share know-how, get latest technology insides, socializing, networking and having […]
SCOM 2012 – Operations Manager 2012 Sizing Helper Tool
Microsoft just released the new Operations Manager 2012 Sizing Helper Tool. There was a similar Tool (basically it is an Excel sheet) for SCOM 2007 R2. But now there is also some guidance on Best Practices Disk Configuration, SQL Temp DB, High Availability and Network Monitoring. This tool can be found here .
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: Monitors and Rules Running (Any) Script e.g. Perl
One new feature I am very excited about is to run any sort of script on the UNIX/Linux agent. In SCOM 2012 R2 you had the option to run shell commands for performance rules and monitors. In SCOM 2012 R2 the monitor dialog looks like this… …and the rules wizard shows options for creating shell […]