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PowerShell – Convert Special Character String Into Numbers
Do you know the situation where you have to handle strings / string data that has a lot of complex characters? In certain situation it is just a pain to deal with strings that have special characters like “*ç%&/()=`è or even an entire Export-CliXML output content. Recently I had the need to embed such data […]
SCOM – TechEd 2014 North America (Houston)
If you were missing the “Friday Rules” series it was because I had been quite busy. Thanks to my company itnetx, which allowed me to go to TechEd North America, I was able to get the latest trends about Microsoft technologies. Since there is no Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) anymore, Microsoft merged the content […]
Azure DevOps – Commit URL on Azure Resource Tag (Part 1)
When you deploy an Azure resource like VM, storage account etc. via Azure DevOps you don’t know from which commit in your repository it had been deployed. The only thing you can assume that it was probably the latest run of your pipeline which deployed that resource. There is no obvious connection between the ARM […]