Wow, today is a very exciting and special day as I received a mail from Microsoft letting me know that I got renewed for the MVP award. This is probably one of the most exciting moments in in every IT Pro’s life, when he gets this award. I am an extremely proud member of a worldwide expert community in the Cloud and Datacenter Management space.
This is the 2nd Microsoft MVP award since 2015. The Microsoft MVP award and the included opportunities add a huge benefit like the Microsoft MVP summit where you have the chance to talk to the Microsoft Product Groups and enter your feedback. But of course the Microsoft MVP award brings some other awesome advantages.
- Connect to all the other MVP’s other technology leaders and having access to the product teams
- Getting opportunities to speak at conferences worldwide
- and much much more…
I would like to thank my employer itnetX which is supporting me in the best possible way, my awesome colleagues at itnetX, all the SCOM/OMS guys worldwide, many Microsoft MVPs (just a great community) and of course all the Microsoft employees. If you want to get more information about the MVP award or you want to become a MVP visit the MVP award site here.