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OMS – Agent for Linux Installation (Preview)
Operational Management Suite (OMS) is probably the final product of a long evolution process starting back in 2011 known as System Center Advisor, later on transforming into Microsoft Azure Operational Insight and finally into a growing management suite for Azure and on-premise services. Read my post here for more historical information on this awesome solution. […]
Power BI – AAD Activity Logs App: The credentials provided for the AADData source are invalid
Power BI used to have Content Packs which were a way to package up your dashboards, reports, Excel workbooks and datasets for Power BI. Microsoft changed it now to so called Apps, probably to be consistent with their Azure terms. There is an interesting App for Azure Active Directory to analyze the Activity Logs. If […]
SCOM 2012 – Reporting Server Install Error
Recently I ran into a problem while installing the reporting components of SCOM 2012. Everything went well until selecting the SQL Server instance and clicking “Next”. The error below hit my screen.