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SCOM 2012 – Add a product key to an eval version
Microsoft published KB2699998 which guides you through setting a valid license key for a SCOM 2012 evaluation version. KB can be found here.
PowerShell – JSON-RPC 2.0 Interaction Connecting SCOM
SCOM is the best monitoring system on this planet but there are also other systems around. You might find yourself in a situation where you need to get some information from the other monitoring system into SCOM. Because there is probably not a supported connector for SCOM available we have to find a way to […]
DSC – xRDSessionDeployment Server Keeps Rebooting
Some time ago I had been doing some interesting deployments using SMA and DSC in a push scenario. What does that mean? SMA is an engine that executes PowerShell (Workflows) at a scalable level and it is THE automation engine for on-premise scenarios, its counterpart in Azure is Azure Automation. DSC is Microsoft’s future way […]