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PowerShell 4.0 – Checking SCOM Required Ports
If you are going to install SCOM there are requirements which you have to be aware of. Microsoft has a great article on TechNet which describes precisely what the requirement and supported configuration is for your SCOM setup. Depending on the size of your (distributed) SCOM infrastructure, you might have to install several management servers, […]
Reset Monitor using SCOM 2012 and Orchestrator – A must have Runbook
There is at least one Runbook each SCOM responsible must have. Are you wondering which? Well, I am sure you are always aware of what kind of alert you are closing. Is this alert beeing generated by a rule or by a monitor. If it is generated by a rule you just can close the […]
SCOM – Save a Connection String for Use in a PowerShell Script
Sometimes it is necessary to store certain information in a (secure) way, like a connection string, which you might want to use in your PowerShell scripts. The scripts could be then used e.g for the Command Notification Channel. Let’s assume you need to connect to a foreign system and this system provides you with a […]