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Azure Stack – Use Function To Generate SAS Token For Blob Content
Introduction When it comes to Azure Stack, a lot of customers want to know what can Azure Stack do for them or in other words what are the use cases for Azure Stack. Let’s assume you need to exchange files or any other blob content either between systems or users on-premises. This could be a […]
Azure Policy – Export Azure Policy Definitions
If you are moving to Microsoft Azure you immediately have to deal with governance and compliance topics. In Microsoft Azure there is the Cloud Adaption Framework (CAF) which guides you through the journey of moving to Azure. One very important part is cloud governance with all its flavors. One single piece of this governance cake […]
SCOM 2012 R2 – Discovery was not successful “Unspecified failure” (Ubuntu 12.04)
Today I have been playing around with some other Linux distribution and I ran into a strange error. I ran the SCOM discovery wizard and the after a few seconds the wizard showed me this error….