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SCOM 2012 – Event ID 31557 Health Service Modules
Strange things happen all the time but sometimes nobody can explain them why they happen. A relatively new SCOM 2012 installation was functioning well until a certain moment. I would like to blog about this behavior it might help somebody to get the same or similar problem solved. As I mentioned before this new and […]
SCOM 2012 – Install SCOM PowerShell Modules Without SCOM Console Installation
Yes we all know less is sometimes more. This saying does not only belong to the human bodyweight, nope, since the Windows Server Core area we all know less “*.dll” is better. Like this saying, a few days ago I had been asked an interesting question. How can we use the SCOM PowerShell module without […]
Azure Automation – Twitter + IFTTT + Webhook = Start Runbook
I assume you know Twitter and you probably also know what a webhook is, right? No? Ok, a webhook is just a HTTP POST. In Azure Automation we are able to create a webhook for a runbook. This runbook will “consume” the webhook request (URL) + post data and start the runbook. The cool thing […]