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SCOM 2012 Linux Monitoring (Lab) – Part 3.5 Agent Deployment
While publishing part 3 I run into a problem which I would like to share. Two command which you might need… To get the LINUX agents version type: rpm -q scx To uninstall a LINUX agent type (logon as root): rpm -e scx So while I tried to deploy a LINUX agent I received the […]
PowerShell – SCCM Cmdlet Library “Get-CMDeviceCollection : Specified cast is not valid.”
UPDATE: This issue has been resolved in the latest version here While doing some SCCM automation we bumped into an issue with the SCCM Cmdlet Library 5.0.8249.1128. When you try to execute a workflow using PowerShell Remoting in SMA like this… After some investigation we could not determine the cause of it, so the […]
SCOM 2012 – Get Agent Failover Management Server
Because of an issue I needed to get the failover management servers of the agents. Well, because I like to fool around with Powershell I thought I would write a short script. Just to give you some background how I figured it out. First I got the members of the Get-SCOMAgent command by typing: Get-SCOMAgent […]