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SCOM 2012 – New PowerShell Web Browser Widgets Using Agent Location
Microsoft has shipped the long awaited and promised widgets for building new and cool dashboards. The System Center Operations Manager Team has released a short documentation and a bit more details you will find on TechNet Wiki: System Center Operations Manager Engineering Blog TechNet Wiki Operations Manager Dashboard Widgets One information which you won’t find […]
SCOM 2012 – Performance of Linux Processes CPU, Memory…
I am a huge fan of Microsoft and I love to work with Microsoft products but sometimes I like to make a step to the “Dark Side” and put my fingers on Linux . As I frequently answer some questions on TechNet I found an interesting question. How could you monitor processes on Linux and […]
Azure Automation – Twitter + IFTTT + Webhook = Start Runbook
I assume you know Twitter and you probably also know what a webhook is, right? No? Ok, a webhook is just a HTTP POST. In Azure Automation we are able to create a webhook for a runbook. This runbook will “consume” the webhook request (URL) + post data and start the runbook. The cool thing […]