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SCOM 2012 – Display & Download MPs Using PowerShell Widgets
A nice and sexy way to have the latest management packs at your fingertips is using the new PowerShell widgets. The SCOM product team shows in their example how you could list the management packs using the PowerShell Grid widget. Stanislav Zhelyazkov also provided a script to fully download all management packs with PowerShell. I […]
Orchestrator – Use Powershell (only) to Trigger Runbooks
Today I needed a solution which I could trigger a runbook using Powershell only. I found a very flexible and extendable solution on Codeplex.
SCOM 2012 – Discovery Wizard running forever again
In this post here on possible cause why the discovery wizard could run forever. Last week I faced a situation where the discovery wizard for deploying Linux agents and for deploying windows agents didn’t work. The setup topology was 2 management servers SCOM 2012 and one dedicated SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 for the SCOM databases.